MFSHD ( CFSSI) Visit to the Municipality of Bar


On 18th March 2009 in Bar, the Mayor of Bar, Mr. Zarko Pavicevic welcomed the representatives of the Montenegrin Fund for Solidarity Housing Development - Mr. Danilo Popovic, President of the Board of Directors and Zeljko Vukovic, Deputy Minister of Health, Labour and Social Welfare, Member of the Board of Directors.

The aim of this meeting was to define the situation regarding projects of solidarity dwellings development. It has been agreed to start the development of 240 solidarity dwellings in Bar within the next period, with 160 out of 240 dwelling for the voluntary members of the Fund - companies, organizations and institutions of Bar and 80 dwellings for public body’s civil servants. The location for development of these dwellings is in direct vicinity of the Elementary school “Jugoslavija”, which was defined by the Decision of the Municipal Parliament of Bar in 2007.

Within the next few month, all the necessary preparation activities should be completed, the amends to the Detailed Urban Plan for that part of the city should be adopted and the Tender for selection of contractors should be invited, after which the allocation of dwellings to the voluntary members of the Fund from Bar will be organized.



































Montenegrin Fund for Solidarity Housing Development
Adress: Bulevar Svetog Petra Cetinjskog 9
phone: +382 20 245 361
fax: +382 20 245 302






2nd June 2009
Agreement on Construction was entered into with “Vjesnik” Ltd, under tender no. 06/08, for execution of work on the residential building “D” - Niksic


Invited tender for sellection of contractors for the development of residential/commercial building in Budva
- Tender 01/09 -



MFSHD Visit to the Municipality of Pljevlja



MFSHD Visit to the Municipality of Bar



Signing the contract on joint investment on building development in Bijelo Polje



MFSHD Press Conference



Work of Commissions for Allocation

Work of Commissions for allocation of dwellings to companies in municipalities of
Berane, Pljevlja and Cetinje is in progress


Creation of Commission

Creating Commission for allocation of dwellings to companies in the municipality of Budva is in progress

Selection of Contractors


Selection of contractors for the residential ”D” , DUP “Podtrebjesa” in Niksic
 Tender 06/08

Verification of Contracts

Verification of individual contracts with future owners of dwellings in the building – B in the Basic Court in Podgorica is in progress

Contacts with Future Owners of Dwelings

Contacts with future owners of dwellings are in progress